In the district court of the fourth judicial district of Washington Territory holding terms at Spokane Falls
Territory of Washington
Ray Raymond
Territory of Washington
County of Spokane} ss
J.F. Park being by me
first duly sworn deposes and says that
he has carefully examined the list of
persons filed in the auditors office as
a list of qualified to act as Grand Jurors
and that he has knows of
F. W. Montgomery above summoned[?]
other persons who are residents of
Spokane County Washington Territory
who are householders and elect qualified
electors and qualified grand jurors who are
not on that list.
J.F. Park
Subscribed & sworn before me this the 23rd day of May 1887
Thomas C. Griffitts
Notary Public
Filed May 23, 1887.
D.A. Clement
Clerk District Court