Territory of Washington,
County of Spokane} ss
Territory of Washington,
Ray Raymond
Defendant} ss
In the District Court of the Territory of Washington,
and for the Fourth Judicial District
thereof, holding terms at Cheney Spokane Falls, Spokane
County, in said Territory.
To the Sheriff of Spokane County Greeting:
In the Name of the United States, You are hereby commanded to summon J.M. Morgan W.D. Webb S.H. Whitehouse
to be and appear before the 4th Jud. Dist Court Wash Ter.
at the Court House, in Cheney Spokane Falls in said County, on the 16th day of
December A.D. 1886 at 9 o'clock A.M. to there give evidence
in the above entitled cause on the part of said Defendant.
Witness the Hon. George Turner, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Washington Territory, and Judge of said Court, and the Seal thereof affixed this 2 day of Dec. A.D. 1886.
D.A. Clement Clerk
By Chas B. Johnston Deputy.
Territory of Washington, County of Spokane}ss
I hereby certify that I served the within Subpoena on the within named witness by reading the same to them in said County, on this 15th day of December A.D. 1886.
E.F. Whittier Sheriff
By Deputy.
Case No.
In the District Court of the
Territory of Washington, and for
the Fourth Judicial District
thereof, holding terms at Cheney Spokane Falls
Spokane County, in said Territory.
Territory of Washington Plaintiff
Ray Raymond Defendant
Returned and filed this 15 day of Dec. A.D. 1886
D.A. Clement Clerk
By Deputy
SHERIFF'S FEES Serving 3 names .40 1.20 Mileage 6 miles at .10 .60 Total, - - - - $1.80