J.H. Boyd and J.C. Hanna acknowledge
ourselves each severally indebted unto the
Territory of Washington in the sum of two
Hundred dollars, to be levied of our goods
and chattels lands and tenements, To be
void nevertheless as to all the above named who
shall well and truly appear before the
District Court of the 4th Judicial district
at its next term to be holden in and for the
County of Spokane Territory of Washington
at the County seat of said County on the
fifteenth day of November AD 1886 and
give evidence in a certain Criminal Action
wherein the Territory of Washington is plantiff
and Ray Raymond is defendant, on the
part of the Territory and there appear and
abide the order of said Court from day
to day from adjournment to adjournment
and from term to term thereafter and
not depart there from without Leave of the said Court
Stated July 2nd 1886
Joseph Bradshaw Seal
John Mabius Seal
W.D. Gillespie Seal
J. C. Hanna Seal
J H Boyd Seal
CS Penfield Seal