United States of America
Territory of Washington}
Second Judicial District} SS
To the Sheriff of Pierce County Greeting:
In the name of the United States of America, you are hereby commanded to Subpoena Al-loe (a Chinaman) Mou-Cett (a Chinaman) C. McDaniel and D. V. Haldron to be and appear before the District Court of the United States for the Second Judicial District of Washington Territory to be begin and holden at Olympia for the said District on the first Monday of September next ensuing, it being the Second day of said month, then and there to give evidence in a cause therein pending wherein the Territory of Washington is plaintiff and James Riley Defendant.
Witness the Honorable O.B. McFadden Chief Justice of Washington Territory and Judge of the 2nd Judicial District this 18th day of April A.D. 1861.
Andrew J. Moses Clerk