Territory of Washington}
County of Pierce} ss
Thomas Smurthwaite being first duly sworn
deposes and says that he is the agent and friend of Attorney for
Sam, Sock and Jim the petitioners named
in the foregoing petition and makes this affidavit
in their behalf for the reason that neither of
said petitioners can speak or understand the
English language and that they are detained
in custody and are not easy of access but
have each of them requested this deponent to
Sign & verify said petitions in their behalf and
That this deponent has heard read the foregoing petition by him subscribed in behalf of and for said petitioners and knows the contents thereof. That the same is true of his own knowledge except as to matters therein stated on information and belief and as to those matters he believes them to be true.
Thomas Smurthwaite
Subscribed and sworn to this 19th day of August A.D. 1884 Before me}
C D. Yunug
Notary Public