Territory of Washington vs James Riley} March Term 1861
At a Regular Term of the
District Court, Begun and
held at Olympia, in and
for the Second Judicial District of the
Territory of Washington, on Monday
the Eleventh day of March A.D. 1861
It being the Second Day Monday in said
month. The Grand Jurors Good and
Lawful men of said district Duly Selected certified and
Sworn, and charged to inquire within
and for the Body of Said District on
their oath do present that James
Riley Late of the County of Pierce
2nd District aforesaid on
the 20th of December
A.D. 1860 with force and
arms in and upon the Body
of Al-loe (a Chinaman) at the
county aforesaid, did maliciously a Rude
insolent[?] and angry maner
Struck Beat and Wounded
the said Al-loe (a Chinaman)
and other wrongs then and
there did to said Al-loe (a
Chinaman) contrary to the
statute in such cases made
and provided and against
The Peace and Dignity of the Territory
Alleck C. Smith Prosecution Attry