County of St. Louis, SS.
To William C Scott, & William Moore, Greeting:
You are hereby commanded, that, setting aside all manner of excuse and delay, you appear
before our Law Commissioner's Court of Saint Louis County, at the City of St. Louis, on the
21st day of August 1856, then and there to testify and the
truth to say in a certain cause pending in said Court, wherein at 4 1/2 o'clock PM.
plaintiff and
defendant on the part of the
in the matter of the application of John Crawley for
a Habeas Corpus
and herein you are in nowise to fail.
Witness, JOHN W. COLVIN, the Law Commissioner
of St. Louis County, with the seal of said Court
hereto affixed, at office, in the City of St. Louis,
this 21st day of August
in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and
fifty-six four
John W. Colvin